interface ChainsNestedItemsInterface

Contract for Managers that use magic methods to burrow into the item store See src/Traits/ChainsNestedItemsTrait.php for implementation example.



Deletes item at the current level of nesting (and below)

__get(string $name)

Sets the current level of nesting.

__call(string $name, array $arguments)

Retrieves a value from the manager at the current nest level.

__set(string $key, mixed $value)

Sets an item at the current nest level.


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mixed drop()

Deletes item at the current level of nesting (and below)

Return Value


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$this __get(string $name)

Sets the current level of nesting.

When burrowing into a manager using magic methods, each level is a property $manager->one->two->etc. This method must set the current level. It does NOT return a value, only $this for method chaining.

See src/Traits/ChainsNestedItemsTrait.php for implementation example.


string $name Next level in dot notation to set

Return Value


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mixed __call(string $name, array $arguments)

Retrieves a value from the manager at the current nest level.

Must return a value using $manager->get() using the called $name as the alias and the current level set by __get() as the prefix. Should throw ItemNotFoundException if item is not found.

See src/Traits/ChainsNestedItemsTrait.php for implementation example.


string $name The alias to be retrieved
array $arguments Not used at present

Return Value

mixed item value



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$this __set(string $key, mixed $value)

Sets an item at the current nest level.

Similar to __call() above. Must navigate to desired level through methods <$manager->one()->two()...> and then you can set a value as a property <$manger->one()->two = "two">

See src/Traits/ChainsNestedItemsTrait.php for implementation example.


string $key The alias to be retrieved
mixed $value Value to be set

Return Value


See also
