Data Manager as an IoC Container

On top of being a powerful data-manager, Manager can be used as a flexible IoC container.

For more information about IoC and dependency injection see Php The Right Way

Manager can: * Resolve dependencies from classnames, closures, already instantiated objects, and instances of Manager itself, * Create and Resolve Singletons * Configure dependencies for dependencies. This can be done a number of ways and to any depth. * Allow for fallbacks, if you get() a dependency that doesn't exist. * Send any object through a closure so you can prepare objects globally.

Please note that this overrides some of the features of ManagesItemsTrait. While you an use this to store regular values, you MUST use getRaw($alias, $fallback) to retrieve a value. Otherwise it will try to become a dependency and break.

Also, the previous versions used di() and fetch(). These are still available, but deprecated.


The easiest way is to $manager = new \Michaels\Manager\IocManager.

If you want use the traits, you must resolve some conflicts.

class IocManager
    use ManagesItemsTrait, ManagesIocTrait {
        ManagesIocTrait::add insteadof ManagesItemsTrait;
        ManagesIocTrait::get insteadof ManagesItemsTrait;

NOTE THAT ManagesIocTrait depend on ManagesItemsTrait. If you to use ManagesIocTrait without ManagesItemsTrait, you will get all sorts of errors.

The IoC container is inspired, mostly, by Pimple

Basic Usage

Now you can setup dependencies.

/* Setup a dependency using a classname */
$manager->add('event_dispatcher', 'Full\Class\Here');

/* Setup a dependency using a factory (closure) for lazy loading */
$manager->add('event_dispatcher', function ($di) {
    // you have access to the container through $di
    return new WhateverObject($di->get('another_dependency'));

/* Setup a dependency using an object for eager loading */
$manager->add('event_dispatcher', new WhateverObject($manager->get('another_dependency'));

/* Setup a dependency using an instance of the IoC container itself */
$manager->add('cool_eventer', $myCoolEventer);
$manager->add('event_dispatcher', $manager);
// Which will call `get('event_dispatcher') on the manager you passed and return what it returns.

When you're ready to call dependencies:


You may also register multiple aliases to a single dependency

$manager->add(['one', 'two', 'three'], $factory);
$manager->get('three'); // All the same

And, just ask for a class. If it exists (and nothing by that name was registered), it will be loaded.


Dependencies that need Dependencies

The easiest way to setup a dependency that needs a dependency is to use a closure.

$manager->add('email', 'Some\Email\Class');

$manager->add('logger', function ($di) {
    return new Logger($di->get('email'));

$manager->add('application', function ($di) {
    return new Application($di->get('logger'));

Now an Application will have a Logger and a Logger will have an Email


By default, if you get an item that does not exist, you will get an ItemNotFoundException. If you want a fallback, simply $manager->get('doesnt_exist', $fallback);

Using Singletons

By default, every time you get() an item, it will return a new instance of that item (unless the item is an object). If you want a singleton (that is return the same one each time):

$singleton = $events->get('event_dispatcher');

Prepare an object after created but before returned

It is also possible to pass a dependency through some sort of pipeline that will alter the object before returned.

$manager->setup('event_dispatcher', function ($dispatcher, $manager) {
    // Do whatever you want to $dispatcher and then return it

Note that fallbacks are not sent through the pipeline.

Also note that you must setup pipelines BEFORE you get() the first instance of a share()d dependency.

Setting Dependencies Implicitly

You can tell Manager how to configure a certain dependency when you register it. For the example, let's assume:

$manager->add('one', new One());
$manager->add('two', new Two());

Setting up using a classname

$manager->add('event_dispatcher', 'My\Event\Dispatcher', ['one', 'two']);

Will pass a new One() and new Two() into Dispatcher($one, $two)

Setting up using a closure

$manager->add('event_dispatcher', function ($di, $one, $two) {
}, ['one', 'two']);

Will pass a new One() and new Two() into the closure.

Setting up using an object

$manager->add('event_dispatcher', $object, ['one', 'two']);

Will pass a new One() and new Two() into the needs() method of $object if it exists.

If you pass a value that is not a registered dependency, then the value itself is passed.

NOTE: For the moment, you cannot prepare dependencies that are instances of containers.