Composing Your Own Data Manager

If you have your own container objects and want to add Manager functionality to them, you may import traits into your class. This is also a great way to mix and match exactly which feature you want.

The basic trait you always need to start with is Michaels\Manager\ManagesItemsTrait. There is an accompanying interface.

After that, you may add any of the feature traits you like. It's important to note, however, that all of these feature traits depend on ManagesItemsTrait, so you must include that one FIRST:

use ManagesItemsTrait, ArrayableTrait, CollectionTrait;

None of the traits include a constructor. If you want to have your class be initializable with data:

class MyClass
    use ManagesItemsTrait;

    public function __construct($beginningItems)

initManager() is used so it doesn't conflict with user-defined init() methods.

Available Traits

  1. ManagesItemsTrait fulfills ManagesItemsInterface and adds most functionality. Look at the interface for full list.
  2. ArrayableTrait makes the class usable as an array ($manager['some']['data']) or in loops and such
  3. ChainsNestedItemsTrait allows you to use fluent properties to manage data ($manager->one()->two()->three = 'three)
  4. CollectionTrait returns collections with all sorts of array helpers
  5. ManagesIocTrait turns Manager into a simple, but complete IoC or Dependency Injection manager
  6. LoadsFilesTrait allows Manager to load data from config files.

There are special considerations when using ManagesIocTrait. See its documentation.

You may also use the tests under tests/traits to test your integrated functionality. You may have to grab these through cloning the repo. composer usually won't include tests in your require